Misión San Francisco Javier de Viggé-Biaundó.

I rented a car yesterday to drive to Loreto from Puerto Escondido to provision. Since I had a car, I took the opportunity to drive into the mountains to see the Misión San Francisco Javier. I understand it was the second church built in the Baja California Sur state (the bottom half of Baja), the first being built in Loreto.

The mission was founded by Jesuits of the Roman Catholic church in 1699 and closed in 1817.

The architecture comprises the usual cruciform groundplan.

On the left as you walk in, there is a sanctuary with a basin of holy water.

On the ceiling is a relief.

The clergy are buried outside the church. Some of the grave markers (like this one and others from the early 20th century) are from after the mission was closed.