I have been struggling with ideas for storing my folding Dahon Mariner D8 bicycle. Eventually, I decided it is best to store it below deck (to avoid corrosion and thievery), but I wanted something to protect it and its surroundings. Most generic folding bicycle cases as simply too big and bulky, so I sewed my own. The case consists of two layers of Sunbrella material in-between which is quilted 1/4″ closed-cell foam. Most of the case was sewn with a Sailrite LSZ-1, but one of the sides and the zippers has to be stitched on by hand using a Speedy Stitcher.
I am preparing to install a Simrad TP32 Tiller Pilot. I have read that the lifetime of the autopilot can be expanded markedly by keeping it covered, so I sewed a cover. It has a piece of vinyl that allows access to the control buttons and it is held on with a piece of velcro.
The previous owner of the boat had removed all of the plumbing for the head and the holding tank. He had left behind precut lengths of Shields Series 148 hose to put it back together again. After staying the lengths of hoses, I realized the the boat had been previously plumbed so the head would only deposit to the holding tank and the holding tank could only be pumped overboard. I wanted the options to pump the head directly overboard or pump the holding tank out via the port on the deck. Further, I wanted to replace the manual pump with a macerator. The small space available to accommodate the plumbing required considerable planning. The components were laid out in the settee area for a couple of weeks as various options were explored inn what amounted to a three-dimensional chess game:
Eventually, a configuration was decided on and work was begun to route the plumbing through some very tight spaces. Shields Series 148 hose is very stiff, so the order of the pulling and connecting of the tubing had to be carefully planned.
Since a new model of toilet was installed, the fiberglass of the shower pan was patched and painted with Interlux Bilgekote.
When the plumbing and painting was complete, the wood was refurbished with teak oil and the toilet was installed.
Because the fixtures were corroded and the manual pump handle was broken, all the fixtures were replaced.
A panel just to the left of the sink provides access to the macerator, the two diversion valves, and the main seacock.
While the anchor light worked before the mast was stepped, it stopped working shortly after the boat splashed. Not able to find the problem, the photodiode system I built was removed. Eventually, I discovered the problem was a bad wire splice at the top of the mast. For the sake of simplicity, I decided not to reinstall the photodiode box.
I tuned the standing rigging of the Aegir-Ran for the first time. I found a document published by the Seldén mast company a good resource. The Aegis-Ran has a fractional rig (a cutter) with a keel-stepped mast and a single in-line spreader. The horizontal rigging comprises of a forestay, a cutter stay, double backstays, and (Dyneema) running backstays. The running rigging comprises of a mainsheet, jib sheet, staysail sheet, preventer guy, outhaul, reefing lines, and a topping lift. The shrouds comprise of upper shrouds, cap shrouds, and forward and aft lower shrouds.
The fuel tank was essentially full when we purchased the boat. It seems that tank of fuel sat at least two and a half years on the hard and it has been more than a year since the purchase. So, the fuel has sat in the tank about four years. From the supplies left behind, it seems likely the fuel was treated with a stabilizer and a biocide, but we have no idea how clean the tank is. Not wanting to take a chance, we hired someone to polish the fuel. The device that was used recirculates the fuel through a course filter and then a fine one:
The take-up line was attached to a piece of PVC, which was used to “vacuum out” the bottom of the tank:
Then, the fuel was returned to the tank via a second hose that was inserted into the fuel port on the deck.
I have installed a SIMARINE Pico and ST107 Tank Module was installed to monitor the volume of the two 50 gallon water tank and the 75 gallon diesel fuel tank. The tank already has a resistive sending unit, but I installed two new sending units in the water tanks:
THE ST107 can monitor up to four tank levels and/or temperatures and up to three battery voltages. Right now, only the three tank sending units are connected:
Note that I have fallen in love with wire ferrules, which are attached to the wire using a special crimping tool. The ferrules make high-gauge (small diameter) wire much easier to work with and secures low gauge (large diameter) wire more securely to clamp-type junctions (like those used on Victron controllers). Eventually, I will add the ability to monitor the refrigerator temperature (because occasionally the compressor motor sticks).
Here is a view of the PICO display of the tank volumes:
The PICO display will eventually also be used to also monitor a second house batter bank that will be placed under the V-berth for the windlass and a bow thruster that will be installed this summer.
I replaced some temporary carabiners with a block on top of the mast through which a back-up halyard runs. The halyard is a static climbing rope that I also use to climb the mast., At one point as I replaced the hardware I was clipped into the top of the mast and without a rope to descend the mast. You can be sure that I was extra careful not to drop the rope, especially as it is Friday the 13th.
The last time I want sailing I felt a ringing in the tiller that suggested there could be some delimitation. A series of holes were drilled, filled with epoxy, and dowels were driven in. I am going to look into having a new tiller manufactured.