ALERT August 21st, 2024: Due to concerns over a multi-country outbreak of Cholera in Indian Ocean countries, Madagscar has closed to foreign yachts coming from Tanzania, Kenya, Comoros and Mayotte until further notice. It does appear, however, that yachts from South Africa are being permitted entry (in Nosy Be) as long as a permit to enter has been obtained in advance (see below). The permit is currently taking 2 months to obtain.
Officials in Madagascar, apart from being slow and not always reliable, are normally not a problem. However, you may well be asked to make an unofficial payment – see the fees section on dealing with payment requests.
A Permit to enter must be applied for in advance of arrival.
Application for a permit to enter MUST be made in advance of arrival and authorization to enter received.
This can take several weeks – up to 2 months, so apply in plenty of time.
Check your spam folder regularly as cruisers have reported finding the authorization there.
- Write an e-mail with subject: “Request for authorization of exceptional entry of a sailboat in Madagascar” to the Minister of Transport and Meteorology of Madagascar (with copy as indicated below), specifying:
– the reason for your arrival,
– the port of departure or origin before arrival in Madagascar,
– the probable date of arrival in Madagascar,
– the port of entry into Madagascar,
– the length of stay in the maritime space of Madagascar and
– the list of places you wish to visit on arrival. - The following e-mail addresses must be contacted in order to obtain permission to enter in any of the ports of entry, however, Nosy-Be is known to the most yacht-friendly.
Address your e-mail as follows: - 1°) To: (Minister of Transport & Meteorology) (Director of APMF in Tanna – ph: +261320325781)
2°) Cc: - With your request to enter, include pdfs of:-
– Boat Registration Certificate
– Safety Certificate issued by the flag state
– Photos of the boat from the bow, stern, starboard and port sides
– Crew list (and list of non-crew on board)
– Copy of all passports - Once the documents have been received, the procedures for granting or not the authorization will be initiated and in the positive case, an exceptional authorization to enter Madagascar signed by the Minister will be issued. Once you receive by email the electronic version of the signed authorization you can organize your departure for Madagascar.
- It is recommended a couple of days after sending the documents, call the Director of APMF in Tanna (in bold above) to confirm receipt of e-mail and progress.
It is now possible to obtain a visa online. See Immigration for more details.
On approach, fly the ‘Q’ flag. Do not bother to call via VHF as the officials usually do not have working radios.
General process:
It is likely on arrival you will be required to dinghy ashore and show your permit approval, obtained in advance, to the Police.
- Police/Immigration (in many ports the Police will act as Immigration): They will arrange for your passports to be stamped and visas obtained and the officer will want one copy of your ship’s registration papers. The officer may hold your passports for a short while (if stamping is necessary at the airport for example) and return them with the entry visa attached.
- Customs: The officer will ask for two copies of your exit papers from your last port. One copy will be stamped and handed back to you and the other copy is retained by Customs. There will be a fee for this service, ask for a receipt for the payment. This stamped zarpe is the only paperwork you will receive from Customs to say you have entered the country legally. In some ports, Customs may want you to fill out a crew list/boat information form.
- Note: In some ports, the Police may take the exit zarpe from your last port.
- Port Captain/Coastguard (Marine Malagasy): The officer will look at your passport and ship’s paper and complete a Formularaire De Visite form which you have to sign. You will need to give the date of entry in and exit from Malagasy territorial waters planned point of departure and itinerary. Pay the officer for his services and get a receipt upon request.
- Health: In some ports, an inspection is required. If coming from a country with a cholera outbreak (East Africa for example), it is at the Health officer’s discretion as to whether you are permitted to enter. The likelyhood is they will want to spray the boat and prescribe pills for the crew, plus require payment (approx. $100).
Speaking French may be an advantage. However, some officials do know a little English.
Domestic Clearance:
It is necessary to both clear in and out at each port visited.
On leaving a port; ensure that you have an outward Clearance document and also a “Permis de Circulation.”
International Clearance:
A Permit to depart must be applied for in advance of departure. Apply several days prior to departure as it can take some time.
Application for a “permission de sortie” MUST be made in advance of departure and authorization to enter received.
- Write an e-mail with subject: “Request for Permission de Sortie” to the Minister of Transport and Meteorology of Madagascar [] copying in all the e-mail addresses as stated above in pre-arrival, specifying:
– the reason for your departure,
– the port of departure from Madagascar,
– the probable date of departure from Madagascar,
– next port and country,
– any intentions to anchor in Madagascar following departure. - Note: If you are going to South Africa (Richards Bay), you must attach your pre-authorization from OSASA in order to get permission to leave.
Once you have received permission to leave, go to the Port Captain’s office to complete a Maritime Clearance Form/Bon De Partance ou Passeport. After you make payment the form is stamped and you are issued a payment receipt.
Next visit the Police/Immigration office to get your passports stamped for exiting the country. You will need to provide a crew list to be stamped (2 copies). Immigration retains one copy and you must return to the Port Captain’s office with the other stamped crew list.
No agent is required.